
Showing posts from April, 2010

Not A Terrorist !

I am a DOCTOR, not a terrorist! I am a PHOTOGRAPHER, not a terrorist! I am a PARAMEDIC, not a terrorist! I am a CHILD, not a terrorist! I am a HUMANITARIAN AID, not a terrorist! I am a JOURNALIST, not a terrorist! I am a MUSLIM and I AM NOT A TERRORIST! Kill me and call it "Collateral Damage", Imprison me and call it "Security Measure" Exile my people en masse and call it "New Middle East" Rob my resources, Invade my land, Alter my leadership and call it "Spreading Democracy" "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind" = George Orwell   p/s: Semoga semua berjaya dalam exam InsyaAllah..All the best!

They Will Answer !

  By the sky containing great stars   And by the Promised Day And [by] the witness and what is witnessed Cursed be the Companions of the Pit The fire well stocked with fuel When they were seated right beside it witnessing what they did to the believers. The only reason they punished them was because they believed in Allah, the Almighty, the All-Praiseworthy.  (Al Buruj : 1-8) They will answer for their crimes! They will be hold responsible for their atrocities! They will pay for their evils! They will fall for their transgressions! They will suffer for their  sins! Because God is the most Just! And when justice comes with fire, They will burn while their heads roll! credit to

The Flesh Eater

 This post is originally published in The Zikr (Weekly newsletter by PERUBATAN) in April 2008. Written by me and edited by beloved Dr Izwan Kamal Tan. Just a repost for us to ponder and wonder.  Our tongue and mouth are two of many wondrous gifts bestowed on us by Allah. With them we can converse, eat, breathe, taste, and have pleasure. With them also we can do many good deeds such as reading the Quran, zikr , giving tazkirah , reminding people about Allah. And with them we can also do many sinful things like lying, scolding, slandering, gossiping and etc. To put it short their use can affect us greatly, thus we must be very careful as how we use those two gifts. Unfortunately, many people use them the wrong way. The highlight of this is talking behind people. A lot of people find it easier to criticize someone behind them than having a face-to-face talk without knowing that this might rattle the very foundation of ukhwah . Behind people they can talk freely...