Not A Terrorist !

I am a DOCTOR, not a terrorist! I am a PHOTOGRAPHER, not a terrorist! I am a PARAMEDIC, not a terrorist! I am a CHILD, not a terrorist! I am a HUMANITARIAN AID, not a terrorist! I am a JOURNALIST, not a terrorist! I am a MUSLIM and I AM NOT A TERRORIST! Kill me and call it "Collateral Damage", Imprison me and call it "Security Measure" Exile my people en masse and call it "New Middle East" Rob my resources, Invade my land, Alter my leadership and call it "Spreading Democracy" "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind" = George Orwell p/s: Semoga semua berjaya dalam exam InsyaAllah..All the best!